Welcome to RootsnRevelry, your ultimate destination for the latest news and updates on the roots music genre. Our platform is dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive coverage of these genres, including news, events, album reviews, and artist spotlights. We are passionate about discovering new talent and sharing their music with our audience. With RootsnRevelry, you’ll stay up-to-date on the latest trends and emerging artists in the music industry. Join our community today and immerse yourself in the world of roots music.

Welcome to RootsnRevelry, your ultimate destination for the latest news and updates on the roots music genre.

Our platform is dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive coverage of these genres, including news, events, album reviews, and artist spotlights.

By joining our community, you’ll stay up-to-date on the latest trends and emerging artists in the music industry.

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Wesko – Helene

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Clever Releases New Single: ‘Buy One Get One’

Clever Releases New Single: ‘Buy One Get One’

Clever, the Alabama-born singer-songwriter known for his emotive lyrics and genre-blending style, has just dropped his latest single Buy One Get One. The small-town wordsmith turned country troubadour, doesn't mince words in this earthy ballad. Buy One Get One ain't...

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